Sunday, February 1, 2015

Beginning a Journey

I couldn't tell you exactly when the desire to adopt began. I know that my interest in international adoption has peaked in the past several years, but it was simply interest! I loved reading blogs and watching YouTube videos of families being created through the miracle of adoption. Some of those stories were the kind that only God can write....emotional, powerful, miraculous!

At some point, that interest changed over to a desire to adopt. Early on, my thoughts consisted of  "That would be so cool to adopt!" or "I would love to bring home a little girl from China!". At that point in my life, I was doing all of the things society tells us we are supposed to do. Graduate college. Get a job. Buy a car. Buy a house. I had this image in my head of how my life would play out. I would be married, my husband and I would take great vacations, have kids of our own, and live the American dream. And then after we were settled, we would grow our family through adoption...because that would be an awesome exclamation point to our perfect little family!

(Insert screeching wheels sound effect here)

Let's fast forward to 2014 and the part where God has a hilarious sense of humor. Over the past several years, most of those things society tells us are normal were accomplished. I survived nursing school, got my dream job, bought a car, and a brand new house. I haven't found that husband yet, but I didn't let that stop me from taking great vacations and even landing a new super flexible job where I get to travel the country! Even through all that success and fun, that desire to adopt never left.

So here begins the story of how God transformed my interests, desires and perfect plan for my life into HIS story for my life! God has used just about every means possible to make sure I knew exactly what He was asking me to do. Through situations that I have been placed in, people He has placed in my life, and Him changing my heart - It is clearer to me than anything has ever been, that God is asking me to step forward, say yes, and adopt!

So, with great joy I am excited to announce that I have started the process to adopt a little girl from China! As excited as I am, I'm also scared to death! If you know me well, I'm a planner and this process is full of unknowns! While I am anxious for what is to come, and just how much it is going to change my life - I have never been more at peace!

Would you commit to praying for me during this process? It would mean the world to me!

More to come!


  1. I definitely will be praying for God to lead you through this journey!

  2. My prayers are with you and your little girl.


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