Sunday, March 1, 2015

Giving up on that whole marriage thing?

 At the beginning of this process, it was really important to me that my family was 100% supportive of my decision. I decided that the best way to do this was to just talk to everyone individually. So over a couple of weeks, I made my rounds through the family and shared my heart. Just like I expected, every single one of them were totally on board.

I do have to tell a little story about my dad though! I had planned on talking to him one day while we were in the car traveling back from Augusta to Birmingham. He was in the backseat, and the whole trip he kept telling my mom and I “I can’t hear what y’all are saying!”. Not a great environment for a pretty serious conversation! Well as we got close to home, I couldn’t put it off any longer. So I started by saying “What would you think about me pursing adoption, sooner rather than later?” His reaction to that question was my favorite of all the people I talked to. Why? Because it was real, honest, and blunt. (In case you don’t know me…I tend to tell it like it is! I must get it from him!) So what was his reaction? Well….he paused and said “So you are just giving up on the whole marriage thing?” I sat there a second, and then just laughed! I quickly explained that this had nothing to do with marriage, and to that he said the sweetest thing ever. He said “I will support you, even if no one else does!”

So, why did I laugh at his initial reaction? I could have easily let his reaction discourage me or upset me. But I didn’t. Why? Because I know without a doubt that this is what the Lord has called me to. It has nothing to do about being single or married. This decision is by no means a “back-up plan”. This decision doesn’t take away the desire to have a husband. This decision wasn’t made because I feel like my “biological clock” is ticking away. This decision wasn’t made because I couldn’t find a man to have a child of my own. (Side note: A funnier blog post could be written about an anonymous person who offered up her anonymous son-in-law because he makes pretty babies!) This decision was made because the Lord placed the need of the orphan on my heart and showed me that I could make a difference in the life of a little girl half way around the world!

So, for all those people who have thought the same thing as my dad….it’s ok, it’s a normal reaction! But please put aside those thoughts of “Bless her heart….she’s worried she won’t get married and be able to have kids.” Those thoughts are the farthest thing from the truth! 

Congratulations, Dad! You are getting a grandbaby and didn’t even have to pay for a wedding! 

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